Old and New
The photographs here show village life mainly in the 20th century, contrasted with views taken from the same spot in 2005. Thank you to Mr Campbell Chesterman in the village for use of the archive pictures
 | Constructing the footbridge in 1935 with villagers on the ferry slipway waiting to cross.
When the footbridge opened the ferry ceased operating and the village school closed.
The bridge today taken from about the same spot. |  |
 | The ferry slipway prior to 1935, looking over to the farm below which the Abbey monks had their original ferry crossing.
The view today with the trees now much bigger, but the farm building as before. |  |
 | The village school pupils circa 1917. It is surprising how many children there are given the small size of the village.
When the footbridge opened the school was closed and the children crossed over the bridge to Riverside School.
The old school today is the village hall. |  |
 | To celebrate the Coronation in 1953 the village held a parade. The parade is seen here at the farm worker’s cottage in Ladysneuk Road in the centre of the village.
The cottage as it is today, virtually unchanged, but the stone wall has gone. |  |
 | The Abbey Bakery delivering in North Street in the early 20th century.
The house in North Street still remains much the same, the pavement has been raised some 30 cms. |  |
 | On the opposite side of North Street from the bakery delivery is Thistle Cottage. Here we see it in the early 20th century and in 2005 where it can be seen a dormer extension and a “lean to” has been built sometime after the 39-45 war. |  |
 | A picture taken prior to the 1950s from an upstairs window in the Abbey Inn looking towards the Abbey Tower. St.James Orchard was still intact, with just a few cottages in view.
A later picture circa 1990 shows the development of the St.James Orchard houses. Note the tower and trees are much the same. Today the garages in the foreground have been demolished and a house built in their place. |  |
 | This house near the foot of North Street has now been demolished, but the house in the left background still stands much the same, but with a dormer extension added to the rear.
As can be seen a modern house now occupies the place of the demolished cottage. |  |
Hanging Baskets 2019
A big’thank you’ to everyone who worked hard on the hanging baskets this year. They perhaps suffered a bit from adverse weather, but are still going strong.