I am delighted to say that we have reached an agreement with Anne Brewster of Broom Farm and Treelink to plant about 100 trees along the riverbank on their farm. If you would like to do your bit for the environment around our beautiful village, the wildlife we are privileged to share our space with and climate change, why not come along and plant a few trees? The date for your diaries is
Please contact me if you want to help:-
Helen Barrett, 4 Ferry Orchard. Telephone number 07471 685503.
We are residents from around Cambuskenneth who have set up a subgroup of the Community Council. We aim to improve the environment of our beautiful village area to benefit wildlife and hence, us humans too.
Our aims are set out as follows.
- To enhance nature and environment in the Cambuskenneth Community Council area by providing information and support and by initiating agreed actions to achieve enhancements in local nature and the wider environment. This should be done through collaborating with residents and entities based in the area as well as wider services and bodies relevant to these aims.
- The aims should prioritize preservation of the existing nature and environment (perhaps recording and monitoring), improving biodiversity in the area and supporting provision for local lifestyle changes to make such preservation and improvements sustainable.
Cambuskenneth tubs and planters – perfect for pollinators
Our first project was to apply for a grant and replace the old rotting tubs around the village. We filled four tubs and the planters in the park with a range of perennial plants and bulbs chosen to provide food and shelter for bees, butterflies and other pollinators and to enhance the attractiveness of the village. We’ve planted some primula, foxgloves, heather and lungwort (pulmonaria) in one of the beds at the park entrance. Underneath the pergola we have added a buddleia, snowdrops and hellebores.
Many cultivated garden plants have limited wildlife value, having been selected for showy flowers that no longer produce pollen or nectar (e.g. many annual bedding plants) or have flower shapes (e.g. double varieties) that are too difficult for insects to feed from.
We’ve aimed to have plants flowering through as much of the year as possible, in colours and shapes attractive to different kinds of bees, butterflies and other insects as well as to people. Insects provide food for birds, butterflies, frogs etc, so the plants benefit wildlife and our environment more widely too.
In 2023 the plants we’ve used are pollinator-friendly varieties:
Tubs | Plants & bulbs |
Ferry Rd / bottom of North St | Achillea New Vintage White (yarrow – June-Sep), Helenium Short ‘n’ Sassy (July-Sep), Primula Veris lime with orange (March-May), Thyme Archer’s Gold (summer) Lilac crocus (Feb-March), Winter aconite (Feb-March), Summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum Gravetye Giant – March-May) Yellow, white, lilac, pink |
North Street | Achillea New Vintage Red (yarrow) (June-Sep), Agastache Blue Fortune (hyssop – July-Oct), Heather (Calluna vulgaris Silver Knight – late summer), Scabious blue diamonds (late spring-early summer), Lavender (lavendula augustifolia – Apr-Sep), Aubrieta Regato white (spring-summer) Grape hyacinth (muscari – March-April), snowdrops (Jan-March) Dark red, blue, purple, white |
Ladysneuk Rd, by post box | Aster Samoa Dashtree (Aug-Oct), Scabious Pink Mist (June-Sep), Heather Calluna vulgaris Silver Knight (late summer), Sedum sunsparkler firecracker (Aug-Oct), Foxglove (Digitalis Dalmatian white – June-July), Lychnis altrosanguinea (rose campion – July-Sep), red creeping thyme (summer), Lavender (summer) Crocus Prins Claus (Feb-March), Summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum Gravetye Giant – March-May) Pink, purple, white |
Ladysneuk Rd, field entrance | Astrantia sparkling stars red (Masterwort / Hattie’s pincushion – June-Sep), Heather (Erica cinerea Eden Valley – June-Sep), Scabious blue diamonds (late spring-early summer), Prunella grandiflora violet (self-heal – May-Sep), Thalictrum Little Pinkie (June-July), Primrose (March-May), Creeping rosemary (late spring-early summer) Grape hyacinth (muscari – March-April), snowdrops (Jan-March) Dark red, pink, blue, purple, yellow |
Planters in park
Plants & bulbs |
Sedum lidakense (Aug-Oct), Lavender (lavendula augustifolia – Apr-Sep), Hellebore orientalis (Jan-March), Foxglove (Digitalis Dalmatian – June-July), Aubrieta Florado blue blush bicolour (spring-summer), Dahlia pollinator mix, Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’ (June-Aug), Ajuga reptans Braunherz (bugle – May-June) Allium graceful beauty (April-May), Anemone Bordeaux (May-June), Allium Mount Everest (June-July) Pink, purple, white, dark red, blue |
Border sedum (Aug-Nov), Lavender (lavendula augustifolia – Apr-Sep), Hellebore orientalis (Jan-March), Foxglove (Digitalis Dalmatian – June-July), Aubrieta Florado blue blush bicolour (spring-summer, Dahlia pollinator mix, Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’ (June-Aug), Ajuga reptans Braunherz (bugle – May-June), Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (June-Sep) Allium graceful beauty (April-May), Anemone Bordeaux (May-June), Allium Mount Everest (June-July) Pink, purple, white, dark red, blue |