Community Council Constitution

Community Council Constitution

Stirling Council Scheme of Community Councils

Constitution and Standing Orders of Community Councils

Extracts from constitution are reproduced below.  The full document may be read by arrangement with the Chairman.

 2.  Area

The boundaries of the Council shall be as shown on the map below:

3. Objectives

a   To ascertain, co-ordinate and reflect the views of the community which it represents, to liaise with other community groups within the area, and to fairly express the diversity of opinions and outlooks of the people.

b  To express the views of the community to the Local Authority for the area, to public authorities and other organisations.

c To take such action in the interests of the community as appears to it to be desirable and practicable.

d  To promote the well-being of the community and foster a community spirit

e  To be a means whereby the people of the area shall be able to voice their opinions on any matter affecting their lives, their welfare, their environment, its development and amenity.

4  Membership

The Council shall consist of no more than 8 elected or co-opted members

5 Elections

b  Candidates and voters at elections to the Council must be persons resident within the area or ward of the Council and must be listed on the appropriate Register of Electors

d  Frequency of Elections:

Elections shall be held every three years or as laid down by Stirling Council. All members shall retire at each election.  Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.

f  Youth Members.

By a vote of at least two thirds of the elected members present, the Council may agree to expand its membership by allocating up to two additional places for Youth Members (under 18 years of age)

8 Election of Office Bearers

b At the first meeting of the Council after Elections, or at the yearly AGM in the years when elections are not held, the Council shall appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer and such other office-bearers as it shall decide.

All office-bearers shall be elected for one year, but shall be eligible for re-election, without limit of time.

10  Meetings of Council

a  Once in each year in April or May or June the Council shall convene an Annual General Meeting

b  The Council shall meet throughout the year a minimum of six times.

c  The Council may convene special general meetings for the purpose of considering matters of interest or importance to the community

d  Copies of all minutes of meetings of the Council and sub-committees shall be approved at the next following meeting and be available for inspection by members of the public.


Notices calling meetings of the Council shall be posted prominently within the Council area for a minimum of seven days before the date of any such meeting.

 13. Control of Finance

a  All monies raised by or on behalf of the Council shall be applied to further the objectives of the Council and for no other purpose

b  The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of the Council.

c  The financial year of the Council shall be from 1 April until 31 March

d  An Audited statement of accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted to the AGM of the Council and will be available for inspection at a convenient location


A quorum shall consist of one-third of the total number of Elected Membersof the Council

Notices calling meetings of the Council shall be posted prominently within the Council area for a minimum of seven days before the date of any such meeting.

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