Stirling – Spaces for People

Stirling Council is seeking your views on where temporary infrastructure to support walking, cycling and wheeling is required during the pandemic.

In May 2020 in partnership with the Scottish Government, Sustrans announced a £30million fund ‘Spaces for People’ to aid the Local Government response to the current public health emergency. The fund is aimed at making journeys safer for cycling, walking and wheeling during and in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in our public spaces such as town centres through the delivery of temporary infrastructure improvements to support active travel. 

Stirling Council successfully received £513,000 from the Sustrans Spaces for People fund. This fund should be used to protect public health in areas where footfall is particularly high, such as core retail areas. This can also aid Stirling’s economic recovery in the retail and tourism sectors whilst helping minimise the risk for community transmission.

For clarity, the funding can only be spent on the following measures:

•             Selective road closures using planters or cones

•             Reallocating road space for seating to aid economic recovery

•             Reallocating road space for wider footways

•             Reallocating road space for cycle tracks

•             Reallocating parking and loading

•             Reduced speed limits and/or traffic calming measures

•             Cycle parking

•             Removal of barriers to open up constrained spaces and remove pinch points.

We are commencing a period of consultation which will begin on the 5th of October and run until the 26th of October. We have developed an online consultation platform which will enable our communities to shape how these projects are taken forward. To take part in this consultation and to find out more information, please visit 

Kind regards

David Hopper

Service Manager – Sustainable Development